setCacheDirectory() starting with config_cache_directory = "/var/www/u233/data/www/blankigingo.ru/assets/cache/phpthumbof/" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 920 [2] => setting config_cache_directory to realpath(/var/www/u233/data/www/blankigingo.ru/assets/cache/phpthumbof) = "/var/www/u233/data/www/blankigingo.ru/assets/cache/phpthumbof" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 948 [3] => setCacheDirectory() starting with config_cache_directory = "/var/www/u233/data/www/blankigingo.ru/assets/cache/phpthumbof/" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 920 [4] => setting config_cache_directory to realpath(/var/www/u233/data/www/blankigingo.ru/assets/cache/phpthumbof) = "/var/www/u233/data/www/blankigingo.ru/assets/cache/phpthumbof" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 948 [5] => setSourceFilename(assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg) set $this->sourceFilename to "assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 243 [6] => skipping CleanUpCacheDirectory() set to purge (0.0 days; 0.00MB; 0 files) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 652 [7] => skipping CleanUpCacheDirectory() because config set to not use it in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 751 [8] => CleanUpCacheDirectory() purged 0 files (from 0) based on config settings in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 757 [9] => file_exists() = 0 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1102 [10] => is_executable() = 0 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1103 [11] => using ImageMagick path from `which convert` (/usr/bin/convert) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1122 [12] => ImageMagick version checked with "convert --version" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1149 [13] => ImageMagick did not return recognized version string (Version: ImageMagick 6.9.10-68 Q16 x86_64 2021-10-14 https://imagemagick.org Copyright: © 1999-2019 ImageMagick Studio LLC License: https://imagemagick.org/script/license.php Features: Cipher DPC Modules OpenMP(3.1) Delegates (built-in): bzlib cairo fontconfig freetype gslib jng jp2 jpeg lcms ltdl lzma openexr pangocairo png ps rsvg tiff wmf x xml zlib) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1155 [14] => ImageMagick convert --version says "Unknown" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1158 [15] => $AvailableImageOutputFormats = array(text;ico;bmp;wbmp;gif;png;jpeg) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 885 [16] => $this->thumbnailFormat set to $this->config_output_format "jpeg" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 896 [17] => $this->thumbnailFormat set to $this->f "png" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 903 [18] => $this->thumbnailQuality set to "75" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 913 [19] => $this->sourceFilename set to "assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 813 [20] => ololoassets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg/var/www/u233/data/www/blankigingo.ru///assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg [21] => phpThumb() v1.7.9-200712090829 "assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg" does not exist in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3653 [22] => setCacheDirectory() starting with config_cache_directory = "/var/www/u233/data/www/blankigingo.ru/assets/cache/phpthumbof" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 920 [23] => setting config_cache_directory to realpath(/var/www/u233/data/www/blankigingo.ru/assets/cache/phpthumbof) = "/var/www/u233/data/www/blankigingo.ru/assets/cache/phpthumbof" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 948 [24] => SetCacheFilename() _src set from md5($this->sourceFilename) "assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg" = "24a4f77d587e15f250cbeb1f9ffbf069" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3075 [25] => SetCacheFilename() _par set from md5(_farC_w600_dpi150) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3108 [26] => starting ExtractEXIFgetImageSize() in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 2895 [27] => GetImageSize("assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg") failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 2918 [28] => $this->useRawIMoutput=true after checking $UnAllowedParameters in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1233 [29] => phpThumb_tempnam() returning "/tmp/pThumb1UZHLL" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3868 [30] => ImageMagickSwitchAvailable(thumbnail) = 1 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1190 [31] => ImageMagickSwitchAvailable(density) = 1 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1190 [32] => GetImageSize(assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg) FAILED with error "" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1319 [33] => GetImageSize(assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg) failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1461 [34] => Remaining $this->fltr after ImageMagick: (array(0) { } ) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1808 [35] => ImageMagick called as (convert -density 150 -thumbnail 600x "assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg[0]" png:"/tmp/pThumb1UZHLL" 2>&1) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1827 [36] => ImageMagick failed with message (convert: unable to open image `assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg': No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2882. convert: no images defined `png:/tmp/pThumb1UZHLL' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3235.) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1835 [37] => ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 2925 [38] => SetOrientationDependantWidthHeight() starting with ""x"" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 2874 [39] => SetOrientationDependantWidthHeight() setting w="600", h="0" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 2890 [40] => EXIF thumbnail extraction: (size=0; type=""; 0x0) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 2977 [41] => starting SourceImageToGD() in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3235 [42] => $this->useRawIMoutput=true after checking $UnAllowedParameters in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1233 [43] => phpThumb_tempnam() returning "/tmp/pThumbbTv98j" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3868 [44] => ImageMagickSwitchAvailable(thumbnail) = 1 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1190 [45] => ImageMagickSwitchAvailable(density) = 1 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1190 [46] => GetImageSize(assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg) FAILED with error "" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1319 [47] => GetImageSize(assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg) failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1461 [48] => Remaining $this->fltr after ImageMagick: (array(0) { } ) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1808 [49] => ImageMagick called as (convert -density 150 -thumbnail 600x "assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg[0]" png:"/tmp/pThumbbTv98j" 2>&1) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1827 [50] => ImageMagick failed with message (convert: unable to open image `assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg': No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2882. convert: no images defined `png:/tmp/pThumbbTv98j' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3235.) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1835 [51] => starting ImageCreateFromFilename(assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3150 [52] => empty $filename or GetImageSize(assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg) failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3199 [53] => Populating $rawimagedata in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3207 [54] => cannot fopen(assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3218 [55] => Not using EXIF thumbnail data because $this->exif_thumbnail_data is empty in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3284 [56] => $this->gdimg_source is still empty in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3336 [57] => ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3338 [58] => phpThumb() v1.7.9-200712090829 Unknown image type identified by "" () in SourceImageToGD()[3450] in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3653 [59] => SourceImageToGD() failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 323 ) " class="img_cont" rel="group"> setCacheDirectory() starting with config_cache_directory = "/var/www/u233/data/www/blankigingo.ru/assets/cache/phpthumbof/" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 920 [2] => setting config_cache_directory to realpath(/var/www/u233/data/www/blankigingo.ru/assets/cache/phpthumbof) = "/var/www/u233/data/www/blankigingo.ru/assets/cache/phpthumbof" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 948 [3] => setCacheDirectory() starting with config_cache_directory = "/var/www/u233/data/www/blankigingo.ru/assets/cache/phpthumbof/" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 920 [4] => setting config_cache_directory to realpath(/var/www/u233/data/www/blankigingo.ru/assets/cache/phpthumbof) = "/var/www/u233/data/www/blankigingo.ru/assets/cache/phpthumbof" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 948 [5] => setSourceFilename(assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg) set $this->sourceFilename to "assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 243 [6] => skipping CleanUpCacheDirectory() set to purge (0.0 days; 0.00MB; 0 files) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 652 [7] => skipping CleanUpCacheDirectory() because config set to not use it in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 751 [8] => CleanUpCacheDirectory() purged 0 files (from 0) based on config settings in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 757 [9] => $AvailableImageOutputFormats = array(text;ico;bmp;wbmp;gif;png;jpeg) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 885 [10] => $this->thumbnailFormat set to $this->config_output_format "jpeg" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 896 [11] => $this->thumbnailFormat set to $this->f "png" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 903 [12] => $this->thumbnailQuality set to "75" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 913 [13] => $this->sourceFilename set to "assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 813 [14] => ololoassets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg/var/www/u233/data/www/blankigingo.ru///assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg [15] => phpThumb() v1.7.9-200712090829 "assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg" does not exist in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3653 [16] => setCacheDirectory() starting with config_cache_directory = "/var/www/u233/data/www/blankigingo.ru/assets/cache/phpthumbof" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 920 [17] => setting config_cache_directory to realpath(/var/www/u233/data/www/blankigingo.ru/assets/cache/phpthumbof) = "/var/www/u233/data/www/blankigingo.ru/assets/cache/phpthumbof" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 948 [18] => SetCacheFilename() _src set from md5($this->sourceFilename) "assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg" = "24a4f77d587e15f250cbeb1f9ffbf069" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3075 [19] => SetCacheFilename() _par set from md5(_farC_h150_w100_dpi150) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3108 [20] => starting ExtractEXIFgetImageSize() in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 2895 [21] => GetImageSize("assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg") failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 2918 [22] => $this->useRawIMoutput=true after checking $UnAllowedParameters in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1233 [23] => phpThumb_tempnam() returning "/tmp/pThumbNgpxDS" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3868 [24] => ImageMagickSwitchAvailable(thumbnail) = 1 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1190 [25] => ImageMagickSwitchAvailable(density) = 1 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1190 [26] => GetImageSize(assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg) FAILED with error "" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1319 [27] => GetImageSize(assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg) failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1461 [28] => Remaining $this->fltr after ImageMagick: (array(0) { } ) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1808 [29] => ImageMagick called as (convert -density 150 -thumbnail 100x150 "assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg[0]" png:"/tmp/pThumbNgpxDS" 2>&1) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1827 [30] => ImageMagick failed with message (convert: unable to open image `assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg': No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2882. convert: no images defined `png:/tmp/pThumbNgpxDS' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3235.) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1835 [31] => ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 2925 [32] => SetOrientationDependantWidthHeight() starting with ""x"" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 2874 [33] => SetOrientationDependantWidthHeight() setting w="100", h="150" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 2890 [34] => EXIF thumbnail extraction: (size=0; type=""; 0x0) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 2977 [35] => starting SourceImageToGD() in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3235 [36] => $this->useRawIMoutput=true after checking $UnAllowedParameters in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1233 [37] => phpThumb_tempnam() returning "/tmp/pThumbN3KOar" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3868 [38] => ImageMagickSwitchAvailable(thumbnail) = 1 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1190 [39] => ImageMagickSwitchAvailable(density) = 1 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1190 [40] => GetImageSize(assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg) FAILED with error "" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1319 [41] => GetImageSize(assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg) failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1461 [42] => Remaining $this->fltr after ImageMagick: (array(0) { } ) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1808 [43] => ImageMagick called as (convert -density 150 -thumbnail 100x150 "assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg[0]" png:"/tmp/pThumbN3KOar" 2>&1) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1827 [44] => ImageMagick failed with message (convert: unable to open image `assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg': No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2882. convert: no images defined `png:/tmp/pThumbN3KOar' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3235.) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1835 [45] => starting ImageCreateFromFilename(assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3150 [46] => empty $filename or GetImageSize(assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg) failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3199 [47] => Populating $rawimagedata in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3207 [48] => cannot fopen(assets/images/production/schet_кафе.jpg) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3218 [49] => Not using EXIF thumbnail data because $this->exif_thumbnail_data is empty in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3284 [50] => $this->gdimg_source is still empty in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3336 [51] => ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3338 [52] => phpThumb() v1.7.9-200712090829 Unknown image type identified by "" () in SourceImageToGD()[3450] in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3653 [53] => SourceImageToGD() failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 323 ) " alt="Счет для кафе">

Счет для кафе 21х99см/100шт.

Цена: 130,00 руб. в наличии